Shopping, yes, but without waste!


Many itinerant events against food waste around Umbria

The series of events organized by i-REXFO to raise awareness on the issue of food waste and try to optimize every shopping cart started from the Ipercoop Shopping Center in Collestrada.

At the supermarket, choosing foods that are about to expire means bringing equally fresh products to the table, avoiding that uneaten food ends up in landfills and produces an excessive consumption of water and pollutants.

i-REXFO offers a new shopping experience: the one without waste!

How? Just go to the desk of the shopping center to receive the information material and participate in a fun quiz on the expiration date of foods. What does it mean: "To be consumed preferably by?" And instead: "After how long can you eat expired yogurt?" By participating in the quiz, anyone will receive a useful anti-waste gadget.

The next appointment - scheduled for 1-2-3 July - will be held at the Piazza Umbra Shopping Center in Trevi.